
wonder woman

Have you seen the new wonder woman bellow the me section? Yes, that is me circa 1983-84. Every chance I got (almost every day after school) I would put on my wonder woman costume.

Remember when life was just that fun & simple? If only now, when having a bad day I could just put on my red cape and it would give me the power to fight all the injustices of the world, real and imaginary.

John Mayer said it best...

Oh, if only my life was more like 1983
all these things would be more like they
were at the start of me
If my life was more like 1983
plot a course to the source of the
purest little part of me
...whatever happened to my lunchbox
when came the day that it got
thrown away and don't you think I should have had some say
in that decision

I guess my feeling of being invincible is somewhere with my strawberry shortcake lunchbox...

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