

That is President Of The United States.

A lot of people have been asking me for my opinion, which I have tried to give without being too pushy. Now I have decided to give you your choices, analyzed fat kid style.

Clinton: Looks like she is not afraid to eat. Plus, she is married to the ultimate reformed fat kid Bill Clinton. And she lived in the south so she knows fried chicken. We know we are getting healthy appetites and fun food at state dinners.

Obama: Hmm...seems too skinny. Michelle does not seem like someone who lets him eat french fries; but she is African American so there is a chance for greens and fried chicken. I'm as suspicious of his lack of experience as I am of our lack of information on his eating habits.

McCain: The man spent years as a POW. He must have gone DAYS without food. That makes him a national hero. A fat kid though, probably not.

Huckabee/Romney: A Mormon and a Christian. Huckabee edges Rommney out by virtue of his knowledge of southern food.

This fat kid is pulling for Hillary but as an alien I can't vote :)

1 comment:

TNMom77 said...

aww man, i would love to hear the ron paul 'fat kid' version... lol