I thought this was funny. And so damn true! Just this am I discussed with my boss how I was going to a meeting this afternoon. Somehow between 10:45 am and 1:56 pm I completely forgot about the meeting. Had I not gotten an email from which ended with see you at the meeting this afternoon I would have completely forgotten!
As a child in the 1980s, I learned that my brain was an egg and that my brain on drugs was a fried egg. As an adult, my brain is more like scrambled eggs: I can't remember everything I need to remember.
this is your brain
Posted by
2:07 PM
technology sucks
It may seem weird for someone who has a blog and spent the first few days blogging about the loss of her beloved cell phone to say this but I hate technology. So after upgrading to Windows Vista (which I actually like) it seems that thanks to one of Microsoft's 'updates' I now need to downgrade back to XP. Seriously?
And now the Indian guy put me on hold while my computer does something. The best part is that the computer is ready for the next step. The Indian guy? Probably eating some curry. And I am on hold. Stuck at work because that's when the call came in. After I asked to not be called between 6:30 and 7:30.
This is the best part. He keeps asking me if I have any 'important' data in my computer. Uh, what does that mean? Do I have the next great American novel? No. Do I have a very funny detalied account of 24 hrs of my life with some salt bagels? Yes.
Oh goody. Now I get to sit at work for the next hour. Awesome (Martha I am giving the thumbs up now.) I love being at work for 12 hours!
I feel like the PC guy in the commercial. Pretty sure I will be buying a cute Mac notebook next.
Posted by
7:23 PM
a true fat kid
So this morning I am up and a little grumpy and a lot hungry. Not at all shocking for anyone who has known me for more than a week. So I decide that the best way to feel better about myself is to eat a donut. So before coming into work I go to Donald's Donuts and get myself some chocolate milk and some donut holes (a better fried/sugar to dough ratio.) I get in my car and immediately start feeling bad about doing this. Not because I got donuts (those were yummy!), not because I got choclate milk (it was lowfat!) The real reason I was upset is that as I drove back up my own street and past my house I realize I had driven half a block to the clog my arteries. I really am a fat kid all the way...
Posted by
8:20 AM
about a little before
Could the title of this post be a little more vague? Well, that is what was on the Channel 3 news ticker this morning. A fire broke out 'about a little before 3:30 am' today in North Memphis. Its a news ticker people, it is meant to concisely tell us something. How about 'around 3:30 am.' Now doesn't that accomplish the same thing?
Posted by
8:17 AM
is the devil. I managed to be drunk AND hung over yesterday after brunch. Now that takes talent.
Posted by
12:14 PM
the oscars
So I watched the Oscars last night (in between doing the dishes) because not watching them would be weird. Growing up Oscar night was one of the random nights a year my mom would always let me stay up for. I could not help but make some notes on my thoughts of the whole proceedings.
Overall it was very boring but to me not as long as it could have been…
The Red Carpet:
*John Travolta…is his hair painted on?
*Javier Bardem…makes me nervous. Am I repulsed by him or do I want to have his babies?
*Carrie Bradshaw is right…Clooney never goes out of style.
*Helen Mirren…why do the Britts always sound smarter than you Americans?
*I can’t decide how I feel about Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana…mostly I think I am angry she seems to think she has the best of both worlds…while I am dying to have the best of one!
Hour 1:
*Jon Stewart is funny but I will forever miss Billy Crystal. He is to the Oscars what Sean Connery is to James Bond.
* Have I mentioned Clooney looks good?
*HATE Katherine Heigl. If you are so ‘nervous’ then don’t accept the job of speaking in front of 600 million ppl. Trust me, you are over exposed as is.
* Jennifer Husdon’s boobs….out of control.
*Javier wins and speaks in Spanish to his mom. I need a minute.
Hour 2:
*LOVE that they left Marisa Tomei out of the supporting actress montage.
* Michael Clayton’s lady shocked she won. And so am I. She obviously thought Cate Blanchette (who looked good) was going to win because she didn’t bother to wear make-up and wore a sack dress Dorothy on the Golden Girls would wear.
*Alan Arkin and Sydney Poitier…best voices ever. Want them to read to me.
*I want to be Kristen Chenoweth to be my friend. She may have to be added to my bowling team roster.
*If Helen Mirren, Dame Judy and the Living Legend aren’t nominated, were movies even made?
*What does Laura Linney have to do to win an Oscar? I mean, other than consistently being one of the best actresses of her generation? I don’t know if she deserved a nomination let along a win but she is a girl crush and I must fight for her!
*I have seen 26 of the 79 Best Pictures winners. 26 of 80 by the end of the show.
Hour 3 & Hour 3+
*I’m bored. And I have lost interest.
*Renee ‘I have a stick up my ass’ Zellweger presents and I don’t want to throw anything at the tv. I must be growing soft in my old age.
*I understood Penelope Cruz!
*Documentary short subject lady is screaming at me during her acceptance speech. Why? I like same sex couples. I’m scared.
*Yay Juno wins something. Boo for us almost seeing the writer’s private squares.
*Daniel Day Lewis. Seems too smart for me.
*Where have I been? Frances McDormand is married to Joel Cohen?
This is all I have to say. Pretty much as boring as the ceremony itself.
PS. I love the speeches that make you cry. Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, etc. This year the closest I got to crying was a JC Penney commercial…
Posted by
12:14 PM
tina fey is my new girlfriend
Tina Fey hosted SNL this weekend and did a segment on weekend update...hilarious! In case you missed it, because you weren't home on a Sat night...
We have our first serious female presidential candidate in Hillary Clinton, and yet, women have come so far as feminists that they don't feel obligated to vote for a candidate just because she's a woman. Women today feel perfectly free to make whatever choice Oprah tells them to.
Which raises the question: Why are people abandoning Hillary for Obama? Some say that they are put off by the fact that Hillary can't control her husband and that we would end up with co-presidents. 'Cuz that would be terrible, having two intelligent qualified people working together to solve problems. Ughh. Why would you let Starsky talk to Hutch? I wanna watch that show "Starsky."
You know, what is it, America? What is it? Are you weirded out that they're married? Because I can promise you they're having exactly as much sex with each other as George Bush and Jeb Bush are.
Then there is the scrutiny of her physical appearance. Rush Limbaugh, the Jeff Conaway of right wing radio, said that he doesn't think America is ready to watch their president, "Turn into an old lady in front of them." Really? They didn't seem to mind when Ronald Reagan did that.
I think what bothers me the most is when people say that Hillary is a bitch. Let me say something about that. Yeah, she is. And so am I. And so is this one [points to Amy Poehler].
Amy P: Yeah, deal with it.
Tina F: You know what? Bitches get stuff done. That's why Catholic schools use nuns as teachers and not priests. Those nuns are mean old clams, and they sleep on cots and they're allowed to hit you. And at the end of the school year you hated those bitches, but you knew the capital of Vermont.
So, I'm saying it's not too late, Texas and Ohio. Get on board. Bitch is the new black!
Posted by
11:09 AM
leave me alone people
I'm sorry about the lack of posts lately but I've experienced some issues this past week...
1. I have actually worked for most of the week and until 8-9 oclock a couple of nights. When I have come home I haven't felt like entertaining you.
2. I have overslept every single morning not giving me enough time to get properly dressed and entertain you. I would prefer the latter but my work requires me to be dressed.
3. Somewhere around 2:36pm on Tuesday I lost my funny. I have since found it, but the crisis did leave me shaken up.
4. My computer is stuck in a endless cycle of pretending to update itself, shutting off and restarting to the same update page over and over again. I have been dealing with a nice gentleman in India but he has so far been unable to help me. When the Indians can't help you you know you are screwed.
I promise to update next week!
Posted by
4:35 PM
wait, there are better excuses
When discussing the the fact he has a stump speech that sounds a lot like another politician's Obama responded with something about how he wasn't the only one to do so.
Andy Pettitte the baseball pitcher admitted to using illegal substances. When asked if he thought he was a cheater he said no, because while what he did was stupid, he was desperate.
I think most first graders these days can come up with better excuses.
Posted by
6:14 AM
best excuse ever...
Found this saved, meant to post it last week. Next time someone is stupid enough to date me and then smart enough to dump me I am going on a spree. Unlike Bai Ling here though I am going to at least hit $20!
Bai Ling Blames Her Arrest on Bad Breakup
Originally posted Friday February 15, 2008 06:00 AM EST
Actress Bai Ling is blaming her recent shoplifting bust on a case of the Valentine's Day blues. The 37-year-old former Playmate was arrested Wednesday at Los Angeles International Airport after reportedly shoplifting $16 worth of celebrity magazines and batteries from a terminal convenience store. It was an "emotionally crazy" day, she explained to E! News on Thursday. Why? She was coping with the "huge problem of breaking up [before] Valentine's Day." Ling, a former guest star on Lost and Entourage added, "Wrong boyfriend."
Posted by
6:10 AM
Cuba Si, Castro No
So I happened to check my email in the middle of the night (we won't discuss the ridiculousness of that) and saw I had a cnn.com breaking news email telling Castro is stepping down. I turn on the tv and nothing. Not even on the damn ticker.
I get distracted and forget to turn on the tv right at 5 am for American Morning. At 5:11 I turn it on and catch 2 seconds of something about it. Then they spend 10 minutes discussing steroids in baseball. Really? The man is a commie, he has been a thorn on the side of America, survived 9 American Presidencies and we can't spend some time discussing this?
And then we wonder why Americans don't care about foreign policy? 5:34 and they are finally discussing it.
ps and by the way...thank whatever god or higher power you believe in that you don't live in South Florida right now. The Cubans must be literally dancing on the streets. There will be no work done, this is all people will talk about. This fat kid wants to know, where can we get a good sandwich in this town? And who wants to join?
Posted by
5:23 AM
Someone spray painted that on the wall between the nasty Chinese buffet place and the Laundromat on Evergreen and Madison. Now, doesn’t that say it all? I never feel as sad, pathetic and poor as when I am doing my laundry in public.
Posted by
2:16 PM
the judges, UPDATED
How come it is funny when judges on reality tv shows are really hard on the contestants, but not so funny when my boss is hard on me? Isn't my boss just a judge on the ultimate reality show that is my life? On Project Runway the more Nina Garcia sticks it to the contestants the more I want to be her friend. The same just doesn't ring true when my boss finds it necessary to remind me once again how much I suck at my job.
I'll let you know if those feelings change after I have yet another meeting where I find out how much I do suck.
UPDATE: The reports of my demise have been greatly exagerated. By me. Turns out I am not that bad at my job. I will now celebrate by sitting back and not working for the next week. Just kidding. I may joke about it but we all know I need to be fired like a fat kid needs cake!
Posted by
2:06 PM
a few things...
I just had a moment where I actually thought the Dharma Initiative was real. And that they were indeed performing experiments all over the world at some point.
I did not find Knocked Up or Superbad funny. And while we are at it Napoleon Dynamite wasn’t funny either.
How come I only want to eat Fino’s on Monday’s when they are closed?
Molly Ringwald is 40. I can’t decide if that makes me feel really young or really old. Thoughts?
Posted by
2:03 PM
this is what i know of love
This was for sale at Target. Now, how is this a good present? I have your heart in my mouth and I am ready to chomp and destroy it at any moment? Now, that to me says love.
Posted by
4:44 PM
a valentine song for you
From the Wedding Singer...Somebody Kill Me
You don't know how much I need you.
While you're near me I don't feel blue.
And when we kiss I know you need me too.
I can't believe I found a love that's so pure and true.
But it all was bullshit.
It was a goddam joke.
And when I think of you Linda,
I hope you fucking choke.
I hope you're glad with what you've done to me.
I lay in bed all day long feeling melancholy.
You left me here all alone, tears running constantly.
Oh somebody kill me please,
somebody kill me plee-ase,
I'm on my knees,
pretty pretty please kill me.
I want to die.
Put a bullet in my head.
Posted by
9:27 AM
could anything be more wrong?
From my horoscope...
As highly discriminating as you are, it could be a lot of fun today to think about all the possibilities that Valentine's Day presents. Of course, you may need to narrow the field, for spreading yourself too thin doesn't work well for you. Finding a balance between playing the field and making a choice can be tricky business. It's likely that an external event will force you to play your hand one way or another.
First of all...ha. As if there was a field to narrow or a choice to make. Oh wait, there was a choice made. And not by me.
Posted by
9:23 AM
i need today
to be valentines day like a fat kid needs cake.
Who thought of this stupid day anyway? If couples need this day then I feel sorry for them but why do losers, I mean single people, feel so personally insulted by this day? Is it really that much worse to be alone one Feb 14th then Feb 13th?
Truth is the 13th was bad enough, so I can only imagine how awesome the 14th is going to be.
Posted by
12:30 AM
speaking of love...
I love it when people want me to feel sorry for them and send me emails whinning about how much a situation sucks and how someone is mean and then I find them hours later putting themselves in the same situation, around the same people that they were bitching about earlier in the day.
Just a tip, if it is that bad then just don't hang out around them and let them get to you.
Posted by
12:10 AM
yet another low
So I just figured out that since I got Showtime now I can watch 'Big Brother After Dark' and can watch more than 3 hours a week of this crap. And that is the most exciting thing that has happened to me since lord knows when.
Posted by
4:44 PM
drugs kill dreams...
and they make you stupid...
a woman got arrested because she deposited not only cash but meth at a bank.
i want to be her friend.
Posted by
3:21 PM
missing the point
So Target has been in town the past few days and while it is a lot of fun when they are here it also exhausting. We have to be constantly on. The house has to look good, we have to look good and say the right things and it is a lot of pressure. At the end of the event today one of them was watching a litttle kid do a valentine and said to me that she was really sad and that she thought my boss and I were angels for doing what we do. First I assured her neither one of us are angels and then I said that it could be tough but that we love what we do and it has its rewards.
And that got me thinking that yes, I am incredibly proud of what I do. And no, chances are that I am not personally making a difference in their lives, but these events and parties are. And if coming in on a Sunday so that some Jews can decorate cookies makes one kid's day better than I have done my job well.
My next thought which I kept to myself was... hmmm if only I made more money then I could really be happier.
And then it hit me that I missed the whole point of it all. And that I had just gotten myself some extra points in hell.
Posted by
1:21 PM
you can all relax
Papa John's has sent me my Valentine's Day Pizza offer. I will order and eat it while I look through bluenile.com. I will be driving off the noncannah around 9:37pm. See you there.
Posted by
4:11 PM
worst than pizza emails
Nothing reminds you of how alone you are the week of valentine's day when you check your hotmail and it says new messages and it is an email from bluenile.com announcing special on engagement rings.
Posted by
10:12 AM
why am i surprised
every single morning when I realize not only do I have to go to work but I really don't want to?
Posted by
10:11 AM
february in saudi arabia anyone?
I've bolded my favorite parts...
(CNN) -- Saudi Arabia has asked florists and gift shops to remove all red items until after Valentine's Day, calling the celebration of such a holiday a sin, local media reported Monday.
"As Muslims we shouldn't celebrate a non-Muslim celebration, especially this one that encourages immoral relations between unmarried men and women, " Sheikh Khaled Al-Dossari, a scholar in Islamic studies, told the Saudi Gazette, an English-language newspaper.
Every year, officials with the conservative Muslim kingdom's Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice clamp down on shops a few days before February 14, instructing them to remove red roses, red wrapping paper, gift boxes and teddy bears. On the eve of the holiday, they raid stores and seize symbols of love.
Posted by
10:09 AM
not good
I think I am hungover from my hangover. Is that even possible?
Posted by
10:22 AM
thank you
From Sat's horosocope: "Unreliable people may disappoint you." I would love to thank you all for proving them wrong and not only being reliable but also not disappointing but we know that would not be true. The truth is, I am glad I can always rely on all of you to disappoint me. And I would not want it any other way!
Posted by
10:13 AM
For the 556th time...
The first thought I had this morning was: "I'm never drinking again." And then I started to think of how many times I have said that in my life and how I don't ever really even attempt to make that happen. In fact, I often go ahead and drink the next day. I then decided to try to figure out how many times in fact I have spoken those words...
Here is my funny math:
1x a month since August 1997= 126
4 weddings; 3 rehearsal dinners; 3 Bachelorette parties= 10
Mardi Gras (4 in college; 1 post x 6 days)= 30
Jazz Fest= 5
Memphis In May (3 years)= 7
Halloweens, Cinco de Mayos, Easters in college= 8
Spring Breaks= 7
New Years, other assorted holidays in the past 10 years= 15
Sorority/Frat/Random House Parties= 33
Claire's 23rd year at Boscos= 37
Parties at Pete & Wes (theater and malmo parties)= 6
Bravo Events= 27
High School= 7
Other assorted events, special occasions, and random tuesdays= 238
TOTAL: 556 times...
Posted by
7:38 PM
fried cheese and chicken wings saved my life
After a very painful day regretting every beer I had last night I finally feel like a human being. Thank God for fried cheese and chicken wings.
Steven and Wes may disagree with me due to their near death experiences with fried cheese sticks but I cannot help but love them, esp when they have done so much for me.
How do you feel about fried cheese? Vote and let us all know!
Posted by
7:27 PM
new features
I've added two new items to the right hand column:
Autobiography Title: Just a spot to keep track of what I will call my memoirs...if anyone remembers any of the old ones let me know!
Hangover Tracker: Lets see if any of 2008's will make it into the top 3 of all time!
Posted by
7:23 PM
poll results
Hilary wins in our friend group, will lose the election. We are such losers we can't even pick a winner.
Huckabee should not be trusted for abandoning the fat kid lifestyle.
Posted by
7:21 PM
this explains my citibank bill...
From a CNN article:
Why sadness can blow your budget:
If you're sad and shopping, watch your wallet: A new study shows people's spending judgment goes out the window when they're down, especially if they're a bit self-absorbed.
Love the 'especially if they're a bit self-absorbed'...usually whenever I am feeling down it is because I have been thinking of myself way too much!
Posted by
1:34 PM
I don't go very often, and only went today because I had a gift card and wanted to share some observations...
There is no greater moment for me then getting to Starbucks in the morning in time to get the last cheese danish...
You know how you can tell who is a student, who is a housewife and who is on their way to work at Starbucks in the morning? The students are the ones laughing with each other, looking refreshed and carefree; the housewives are on the phone discussing other people's marriages not paying attention to the line, and generally being rude to the people working there; and the working folks are the ones tapping their feet/rocking themselves and constantly checking the time wondering how long does it take to make some coffee.
I got the last cheese danish this morning. And to balance what I am sure are about half my caloric budget for the day (well, if I had one it would be) I decided to try one of their new 'skinny lattes' which have way less calories. Now, I usually get non-fat milk in mine but opt for the full sugary syrup...and let me tell you that makes all the difference. Only a skinny person would enjoy a skinny latte.
I need to remember the motto of 'go big or go home' applies to ordering my morning coffee...
Posted by
9:21 AM
fat kid moment
It seems impossible but I am constantly running late getting to work at 10am. I have now found the greatest motivator to get out of bed. I just need to wake up hungry! I got up this morning and snoozed only once before getting up to make some toast. It is now 8:06am and I am up, showered & dressed, and ready to leave the house in search of a second breakfast. On a normal day 8am is when I start the hour (ok, hour and a half) snooze cycle!
Now I just need to figure out what to eat the night before to make me this hungry in the morning. Ah, experimenting with food, a fat kid's dream come true.
Posted by
8:02 AM
Tragedy 1:
So after my day of fasting I decided all I wanted to eat for dinner was a shrimp teriaki bowl from Pei Wei. I call them and they were OUT of shrimp. Jamie wanted me to believe that all the Catholics in Memphis decided to eat shrimp at Pei Wei too. I personally think it was a hate crime against my people and our dietary needs.
Tragedy 2:
I was home all day yesterday with a migraine that didnt really get better until late afternoon. By abot 7pm I was in desperate need of coke. The cola kind people. I was also starving having basically fasted a second day in a row, so I decided to go to Sonic for a snack and drink. I get back to my house and am getting out of the car and then this happens...I drop my drink. Spilled nearly all of it. I have to admit it nearly cried.
I think God has foresaken me.
Posted by
7:49 AM
I don't recommend...
being good because it sucks. I am starving. And all I want is cake. Not a slice of cake but a whole cake. And a about fourteen baskets of catfish from Soul Fish. And I do mean large baskets.
Posted by
2:48 PM
being a good catholic
I am trying to be a better Catholic and today being Ash Wednesday seemed like the perfect time to start. I am already planning on going to Mass later on today and I had decided that today I would not only abstain from eating meat but would also try my best to fast.
Modern day fasting for Catholics includes having one full meal and two small meals with no eating in between. Now, do we think the 2 cookies I just ate can count as a small meal? And can I get away with eating lunch for 2-3 hours so that my full meal gets me through the day? And for dinner if I eat 3 appetizers but no main course that would not be considered a full meal right?
Posted by
11:05 AM
ash wednesday
if you see someone with a smudge on their foreheads go ahead and assume they got ashes and please don't be the 300th asshole who tries to be cool by pointing out that they have some black stuff on their face. thank you.
Posted by
10:55 AM
super tuesday is super, part 2
So last night Obama decided to give his speech right in the middle of McCain’s…that my friends is ballsy, and cocky. And CNN dropped McCain in an instant.
He is one cocky sob. He took some real digs at Hillary…You can’t divide the party this way and claim to be an uniter. I try to have it both ways all the time and it just does not work! If he was a true fat kid he would know he can’t have his cake and eat it too.
This is why the Obama campaign drives me crazy. He is trying so hard to be a Kennedy, to be a Clinton of 1992. Someone young, fresh, someone who is rallying the youth of America more than anyone else. I am tired of hearing about the ‘movement.’ He of course wants us to see it as some amazing grass roots movement that in his words started as a whisper. I remember him speaking at the Democratic convention, the party’s biggest stage, that is not so much a whisper but a decent size yell. The next time I saw Obama he was on Oprah. Now since when is appearing on Oprah and have her gush all over you and push you to run a whisper???
Oh and by the way according to CNN, poor ppl voted more for Hillary then Obama and the rich voted for him. Latinos also preferred Hillary. As a Latina one paycheck away from homelessness I am glad I voted with my peeps.
Do you think Oprah will give out a day with Obama on her next favorite things show?
Did anyone notice that Obama’s speech was the same as Hillary’s? They are the same person. And according to Becky vote the same 90% of the time. She had actual sources and wasn’t just making that up by the way…
Point is…Obama or Hillary. Can they beat McCain?
Lots of people seem to think Hillary will pick Obama as VP if she is the nominee. Will he pick her? Or will they both pick Edwards? And will Huckabee be VP?
The fun has just started!
Alright, I promise to go back to musings on my funny but pathetic life and leave the political comments alone…until the next major states vote J
Posted by
10:50 AM
super tuesday is super
*Did anyone notice that Huckabee's wife looks lke a drag queen? And Romney's like a pageant queen?
*How fancy has the cnn folks become with their coverage? Loved all the graphics and different screens. The huge tv touch screen? It made Becky and I get a little too excited...
*Political Ana is back people! I'm so excited I might join Hillary's campaign right now. In fact I always said Hillary would be the one candidate I would quit my job to campaign for...time to put my money where my mouth is!
*Hillary just gave us a shout out for being nearly blown away. Huckabee did not.
*Wes has announced he wants to do her. Wait, he wants to marry her. That makes me nervous.
*Mitt Romney is the most presidential looking one out there. If he gets elected I may sign up to be his Monica. And I won't keep the dress. Though I would settle for beings his second wife.
*Ok...Hillary just thanked her mother...'who was born before women could vote and is now is watching her daughter on this stage'...single tear.
*Best speech of the night goes to Clinton. Just realized Obama hasn't spoken...
*No kidding kids, the cnn graphics are awesome and exciting. Its like the best sports event ever.
*And Romney is looking hotter.
*What will California do? Pins and needles, folks.
Posted by
9:46 PM
no reason to change...
HA. being a fat kid helps the economy. So super size those fries and light up that cig.
Study: Obese are Cheaper to Treat
(LONDON)—Preventing obesity and smoking can save lives, but it doesn't save money, researchers reported Monday. It costs more to care for healthy people who live years longer, according to a Dutch study that counters the common perception that preventing obesity would save governments millions of dollars.
Posted by
6:25 PM
POTUS, part 2
Claire just emailed me to let me know that her sister Meg had some additional info on Huckabee that just may put him ahead of Romney in the election. This is the email:
ok here we go, from the washington post:
In the past 18 months, he has whittled 110 pounds from his 5-foot-11 frame, going from 280 pounds (and a body mass index of 39 , which put him roundly in the ranks of the of the obese) to a trim 170 pounds and a healthy body mass index of 24.
Now the Chambers sisters would like you to know we are not endorsing Huckabee. Just giving him props as a Southern fat kid!
Now, I would like to submit to a vote which I'll add as a poll shortly. Do we trust Huckabee more because he used to be a fat kid, or distrust him for abandoning the lifestyle?
Posted by
12:25 PM
That is President Of The United States.
A lot of people have been asking me for my opinion, which I have tried to give without being too pushy. Now I have decided to give you your choices, analyzed fat kid style.
Clinton: Looks like she is not afraid to eat. Plus, she is married to the ultimate reformed fat kid Bill Clinton. And she lived in the south so she knows fried chicken. We know we are getting healthy appetites and fun food at state dinners.
Obama: Hmm...seems too skinny. Michelle does not seem like someone who lets him eat french fries; but she is African American so there is a chance for greens and fried chicken. I'm as suspicious of his lack of experience as I am of our lack of information on his eating habits.
McCain: The man spent years as a POW. He must have gone DAYS without food. That makes him a national hero. A fat kid though, probably not.
Huckabee/Romney: A Mormon and a Christian. Huckabee edges Rommney out by virtue of his knowledge of southern food.
This fat kid is pulling for Hillary but as an alien I can't vote :)
Posted by
12:14 PM
Yay Giants.
The 72 Miami Dolphins are still the only truly undefeated team of all time.
Two funny moments: 1. Paula Abdul's comeback.
2. The fox guys saying finally football at kick-off. Uh, if you didnt start the pre-game on Sat afternoon it wouldnt seem that long till the start!
One confusing moment: The whole Declaration of Independence montage. WTF?
I was cheering for the Giants the whole game and am glad they won...except for one thing...I am sad that Junior Seau of the Patriots who came out of retirement to play did not win. I met him a couple of years ago and I can truly say that he is the nicest 'famous' person I have ever met. The San Diego Chargers summer camp is at the University of Califonia San Diego, where I went to camp. We used to see all the players all over the campus and while many would wave hi, Junior would actually stop and hold conversations. He would ask where we were from, how we were doing, etc. I guess I don't have anything funny to say about this except, did I mention I was at the fat farm and he was always eating ice cream? At nine am?
Posted by
9:07 PM
the end of the world is here
I just saw this on cnn. The world may be coming to an end. Now, I have not read the article but if Ann Coulter, the actual devil wants Clinton over McCain I might be rethinking my position on Clinton...
Coulter wants Clinton over McCain
Posted by
10:51 AM