
on purses, posh spice, absurd prices, and even more absurd income

Lately I have not been much of a purse carrier. In fact more often or thank not I leave the house w/ my just my wallet in my back pocket. This has given my friends plenty to joke about. Turns out straight girls are in fact obligated to carry purses with them at all times.

The truth is, I love me some purses. I just do not have any purses right now that I really love. My current purse related obsession is finding the perfect black clutch. And as Meg can attest from our recent trip to Target this is an issue I am 'slightly' passionate about.

So today I decided to do some investigative work on clutches to see which designer knock-off I need to be looking for. For the record it is a Hermes Baccara Crocodile Clutch (in green!) I saw Posh Spice with one and fell in love. Love and envy.

Also, in my research I found out that she alledgedly owns over 100 Hermes bags. ONE HUNDRED. That is about 2 million dollars worth of Hermes handbags. And I hate her. In the good old days (read when money wasn't an issue) I had the pleasure of on a couple of occasions worshiping at the Hermes store in NYC and let me tell you, as a 10 year old it rivaled FAO Schwartz for its magical allure.

Now, for the real reason I started yapping about purses to begin with...in my research I found this website 'www.designerpursesoutlet.com' and while looking for bags I came across this little item: 'Rare Hermes Crocodile Handbag Alligator Purse' (green of course) and it is a thing of beauty! And then I saw the price tag of $28,448.00. Yes, that is 28 THOUSAND dollars. Which is more than I made in my first job. And that is just ridiculous (both the price of the bag and how little money I made.)

To put how the price of the bag look at this figures for income in Memphis:

Median for all workers
Median for all male full-time
Median for all female full-time

And that means we will never be able to afford one...maybe one will be part of my inheratance? Then we will really see how timeless they are...

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