Clay Aiken is going to be a dad. No fear though, Clay Aiken isn't out getting himself some while we sit at home alone...
From "According to TMZ, the mother is Jaymes Foster, 50, who is Aiken's record producer and the crooner's close friend. TMZ reports she was artificially inseminated and is due in August."
the end of the world
Posted by
9:27 PM
Living Lohan
So LiLo's sister AlLo claims that she wants to be just like her sister. Lindsay is her role model and she wants to be just like her. I wonder if she means 'The Parent Trap" Lindsay or the rehab before 21 Lindsay?
Ah who am I kidding...I had great role models and look how I turned out! Ali will be fine...
In the meantime I highly recommend 'Living Lohan' and 'Denise Richards: It's Complicated' as great summer guilty pleasures. And for the record...its not that complicated!
Posted by
12:19 AM
would it be rude...
to tell the three people sitting at the table next to me that their conversation is inane? And to let the would be slacker/philosopher in the bunch know that he in fact does not have to yell to get his point across?
Topics covered so far: baseball, cancer, pastries, medicare, back to baseball and now on to golf.
Slacker/Philosopher has trouble with golf. He loves to play but has trouble focusing and hitting the same shot consistently.
Crap. Its the make version of me.
Posted by
4:43 PM
we now don't interupt your regular programing...
How come the tv stations never interupt programing to report on the weather when you actually want to know what is going on with the thunder so loud it shakes your house? Yet, they are quick to preempt oh lets say the finale of the Amazing Race because of a thunder storm so 'dangerous' you and your friends were out and about during it?
PS. The Amazing Race story is true. Just ask Natalie about it...
Posted by
10:49 AM
i am officially too old...
Forgive me if I have blogged about this topic before...A couple of weeks ago I thought about blogging about this but can't remember if I did or not and frankly I am too lazy to look through old posts to see if I did or not.
Anyways, I think I have officially crossed some sort of age defining line. As I sit and watch the guilty pleasure that is Gossip Girl I came to the following conclusion. Dan's dad is way hotter than Dan. In fact he is hotter than all the teenage boys on the show. Basically, I would take him (and Chuck's dad) before I take Dan, Chuck and Nate. Truth be told, I find Serena's mom more attractive then all the girls too.
Man I miss the good old days of 90210 when Cindy and Jim were no match for the gang!
Posted by
7:22 PM
on purses, posh spice, absurd prices, and even more absurd income
Lately I have not been much of a purse carrier. In fact more often or thank not I leave the house w/ my just my wallet in my back pocket. This has given my friends plenty to joke about. Turns out straight girls are in fact obligated to carry purses with them at all times.
The truth is, I love me some purses. I just do not have any purses right now that I really love. My current purse related obsession is finding the perfect black clutch. And as Meg can attest from our recent trip to Target this is an issue I am 'slightly' passionate about.
So today I decided to do some investigative work on clutches to see which designer knock-off I need to be looking for. For the record it is a Hermes Baccara Crocodile Clutch (in green!) I saw Posh Spice with one and fell in love. Love and envy.
Also, in my research I found out that she alledgedly owns over 100 Hermes bags. ONE HUNDRED. That is about 2 million dollars worth of Hermes handbags. And I hate her. In the good old days (read when money wasn't an issue) I had the pleasure of on a couple of occasions worshiping at the Hermes store in NYC and let me tell you, as a 10 year old it rivaled FAO Schwartz for its magical allure.
Now, for the real reason I started yapping about purses to begin my research I found this website '' and while looking for bags I came across this little item: 'Rare Hermes Crocodile Handbag Alligator Purse' (green of course) and it is a thing of beauty! And then I saw the price tag of $28,448.00. Yes, that is 28 THOUSAND dollars. Which is more than I made in my first job. And that is just ridiculous (both the price of the bag and how little money I made.)
To put how the price of the bag look at this figures for income in Memphis:
Median for all workers
Median for all male full-time
Median for all female full-time
And that means we will never be able to afford one...maybe one will be part of my inheratance? Then we will really see how timeless they are...
Posted by
1:03 PM
Has anyone seen on that you can now buy t-shirts w/ some of their headlines on it? The whole thing is a little bizarre because sometimes the headlines they choose are not that funny. Plus I have a feeling that by the time you get the t-shirt delivered the topical nature of the quote you have selected has long become irrelevant.
Until, if only I had a job. Because if I did, you would all be getting this one. I have not actually watched the video for the report but a study in the UK has found what we already know...
'1 in 3 workers hung over at the office'
I have to say I am very proud of often being that 1 in 3! For some of you, and you know who you are, the figure for that particular office is more like 3 in 3.
Posted by
9:50 AM
an update
Just wanted to post a little update on where I am right now...the memphis public library. But I guess you are more curious as to what I am doing with my life...
I am still unemployed but applying to lots of things I am probably not qualified to do, and some that I actually not only am qualified but would enjoy doing.
I have been enjoying the no work thing but I have to admit it is getting a little old.
This Wednesday marks the 4 week anniversary of what would have been my last day and so this week the is the beginning of the whole search for ANY if the next time you see me I am asking you if you want fries with that, please don't laugh and I'll supersize it for you.
If anyone knows of any jobs available (or see any help wanted signs) please let me know. Contrary to popular belief I am actually a pretty hard worker, way smarter than I seem and pretty much willing to sacrifice my dignity for a paycheck.
Finally, on a serious note...I just want to thank everyone for their support and well wishes during this time. Once I have a job a round of drinks is on me!
Posted by
1:30 PM
newest platform for a better memphis (can be adapted to your own city)
In this world where everyone carries a laptop and wifi is available nearly everywhere you go (Even at McDonald's and Krystal!) I think there needs to be more available electrical outlets, including outdoors.
I am not ready to go home yet, but my computer is running out of power. Of course at LaBaguette there are only 3 tables with easy access to an outlet; 2 are occupied and 2 are very wobbly.
And so now I am at a I sit at the wobbly table for a bit? Do I venture back into the library? Do I go home? Do I risk going somewhere else where they may or may not have plugs?
Oh, and I totally get that I need to find a job real quick if this is what is stressing me!
Posted by
11:49 AM
ah the public library...
So this morning I decided to go to the public library to do a little work on looking for work...I pull up to a parking space and there is a car about one space over with a man sitting in it (we have an empty space between us.
I listening to something on the radio so I didn't immediately get out of my car. He seemed to be doing the same. Then a car pulls up in between us. A man get out and into the the car that was already there. About 2-3 minutes later the guy gets out and back into his car and drives off.
I go into the library but leave after about 15 minutes (more on that later.) The guy is still sitting there parked in the same spot with a different guy in the car. By the time I get in my car and start it the other guy gets out and into his own car.
The time they were in the car seems too short for sex and arranging a hit so I have to go drug sales.
Really? In the parking lot of the library? Why am I even surprised? And furthermore, why was I relieved by the fact he was doing his business during school hours?
And the people of Memphis were worried about 'workers of the world unite' being one of the quotes outside the library!
Posted by
11:40 AM