
Lee and Anne Marie

That is the couple on the eharmony commercial. You know the guy who is uptight and the girl who is laid back? Anne Marie allows Lee to be who he is?

I hate them.


Picksee77 said...

Thank goodness I'm not alone!! I hate them so much! That commercial makes my skin crawl and it's on ALL THE FREAKIN TIME! Thank you for verbalizing my disgust of this commercial :)

Anonymous said...

Are you people serious?
You're honestly weird people...you don't even know them, how can you hate someone on a commercial.
Get help!

Anonymous said...

"I don't jealous of that"

Anonymous said...

What's e harmony?

Anonymous said...

why do you hate them? they are two beautiful, well adjusted people, who just happen to need the internet to get into a relationship.

lee has crazy eyes and will kill anne marie when she doesn't meet his approval.

Anonymous said...

I wish everyone happiness, but ... let me just say that I dated Lee and he does have issues. Uptight doesn't begin to scratch the surface.

Kate said...

Lee seems like the "if i cant have you, no one can" type. I think that their relationship will end in a murder-suicide and Lee will be the murderer.

Anonymous said...

What about "It's easy being with Glkk". It's like she chokes on his name. How is that "Lee"?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kate, Lee will kill Ann Marie, he has that crazy look in his eye

Anonymous said...

you people have issues.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand this "Lee" guy! He's probably the creepiest character on a TV commercial. He's either a chauvinist or a mysoginist. Feel sorry for Anne Marie, so I can't wait for the divorce blog/murder headline.