I think I am going to give up on email. This is an actual email I got this morning...
Subject: Find That Special Someone Even If You Are Over 30.
Unfortunately I can't figure out how to post the whole email w/ the adorable picure of a couple w/ the Brooklyn Bridge or something behind them looking in love.
PS and by the way...I still have about 100 days till I turn 30 so I still have a chance to meet someone right?
i could not make this up if i tried...
Posted by
9:23 AM
i blame my family...
Usually I try very hard not to blame my family for much that may be 'wrong' in my life or for any of my craziness but this has got to be their fault...
This morning as I innocently check my email I find one inviting me to a restaurant for 'Dia dos Namorados.' For those of you that are non-Portuguese speaking that is the equivalent of 'Valentine's Day.' Upon further reading the ad I saw that it is a restaurant whose 3 locations just happen to be in my home town.
Now I don't know, but somehow they have gotten my email address and I can only guess it came from some sort of family member. Because you know, I need to be reminded that I am alone for 2 of these 'holidays' like well, a fat kid needs cake!
Posted by
9:48 AM
18 is more than 17
That is the math lesson Hilary taught us yesterday. So she doesn't have the delegates but I am glad she conceded that fact not the race. I for one hopes she takes her time collecting her toys before she goes home for good.
There is a lot of time between now and the delegates officially speaking in Denver. And these are the Clinton's afterall so anything can happen...
Posted by
1:59 PM
gotta love the homeland!
Jail in Brazil seems to be better than my life in the good old US of A. Seriously making me consider a move back to the homeland and a life of crime ;)
Inmate had $170,000, guns, TV, fridge in cell
Officials in Brazil turned up the loot during a jail cell raid
Posted by
1:56 PM
the dream is over...
Hillary is going to concede that Obama has enough delegates at some point today. The disappointment is greater than I imagined. The writing has been on the wall for a long time but I for one refused to really see it.
My first angry tyrant reaction is to claim I will not support Obama but we all know that is not the way to go. It is time for all of us democrats, liberals, and smart people with common sense to unite for the common good of the country.
Is it weird that I feel like I should have done more to help her? I think I have read one too many inspirational quotes or something...
Posted by
10:43 AM